For Our Guests

Welcome to our guests and prospective members!

Find Your Voice

Why do people join Toastmasters and how do they benefit? In this short video from Toastmasters International, members from different countries and backgrounds share how they’ve built the skills to become better communicators and leaders.

Transform Yourself

Participate in Toastmasters’ proven program, where you’ll learn how to speak comfortably in front of a group and lead with purpose. People who join Toastmasters find potential they never thought they had and achieve more of their goals and dreams.

How You'll Benefit

Attend meetings where you will regularly practice skills that make you a more confident speaker and leader. These real-world, highly in-demand soft skills will help you advance your career, acclimate to a new city or even get a new job!

Why it Works

Toastmasters is a powerful combination of a proven education program where you receive effective evaluation that helps you build skills at your own pace. Plus, Toastmasters’ communication and leadership development does not take place in a typical instructor-led classroom and is not limited to a set timeframe, like a seminar or conference.

Why Our Club is Right for You

Our club helps people from diverse backgrounds become more confident speakers, communicators and leaders. From young professionals to experienced managers to those seeking personal growth, you’ll find a warm, supportive group that shares your goals.

Come Visit Us

Take the first step on your Toastmasters journey. Go to our meeting information page to find out when you can join us for our next meeting.

We meet most Mondays at 7:00 P.M. Pacific time - check the club calendar for details. No need to reserve a spot; just show up and you'll be welcomed with open arms.