About Our Club

Do you want to develop your presentation skills?

Perhaps you want to boost your leadership potential with career advancement?

Maybe you want to improve your self-confidence?

Or do you want to develop new friendships with dynamic, inspired people?

A tradition of excellence

West Hollywood Toastmasters (WEHOT!) provides the tools and motivation to help you achieve your communication and leadership goals. We'll help you develop and practice these skills in a friendly and supportive atmosphere.

We proudly self-identify as an LGBTQIA Toastmasters Club - and everyone is welcome! Our meetings bring learning, growth and fun together!

WEHOT is proud to be a President's Distinguished Club, the highest award given by Toastmasters International to recognize clubs that maintain exemplary standards of service to their members and community. It's a designation we've earned every year since 2009 when West Hollywood Toastmasters was chartered.

Read more about why and how West Hollywood Toastmasters came to be.

Find out what makes us tick! All about our mission and the Toastmasters promise!

Our Achievements

Our members work hard to achieve our goals. See our awards and accolades.

Our Officers

Our club officers work hard to make the club a success. Meet them here!