The Role of Humorist / Inspirer

Please note that the information contained on this page may include links only accessible by WEHOT club members.

About the Humorist or Inspirer

The Toastmasters experience is one where learning takes place in an atmosphere of good humor and inspiration. Research has shown that this is the best way to learn and to remember what you have learned.

The role of Humorist or Inspirer sets a positive tone for the meeting.

Selecting Humor or Inspiration


Many public speakers find that it is difficult to add humor to their talks. When a member is assigned the responsibility of Humorist/Inspirationalist, the member has the opportunity to prepare a humorous anecdote or joke, practice it and present it. By fulfilling this responsibility the member is learning to add humor while the club is treated to a humorous interlude to start off the meeting. The Humorist is advised that off-color jokes are not appropriate.


When assigned the role of Humorist/Inspirer, the member has the opportunity to prepare an inspiring anecdote, practice it and present it. By fulfilling this responsibility, the member is learning to motivate the audience to improve personally, emotionally, professionally, or spiritually.

Prepare for the meeting

  • Find out the meeting theme from the Toastmaster-of-the-Day.

  • If telling a joke, select one appropriate for mixed company.

  • If inspiring, appeal to noble motives and challenge the audience to achieve a higher level of beliefs or achievement.

  • Practice. If possible, saying it without notes.

During the meeting

  • Make eye contact with the group.

  • Stay relaxed.

  • After the joke or inspiration, take a seat. Your job is done!

Club Members: For more information about any meeting role, or to plan your educational roadmap, check with your mentor or contact WEHOT's Vice President Education.